Salzburg Medical Seminars 2015
Viorel Soltan
01 octombrie, 2014, 12:38
Vizualizări: 2347
The Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) is currently coordinating the “Open Medical Institute – Medical Education beyond Borders” program in Moldova, which was established in 2005 by the American Austrian Foundation, The Open Society Foundations and the Austrian Ministry of Science and Education to unite all programs (Salzburg Medical Seminars, Medical Observerships, Satellite Symposia, and Visiting Professorships) under one name. The Salzburg Medical Seminars is a postgraduate
The Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) is currently coordinating the “Open Medical Institute – Medical Education beyond Borders” program in Moldova, which was established in 2005 by the American Austrian Foundation, The Open Society Foundations and the Austrian Ministry of Science and Education to unite all programs (Salzburg Medical Seminars, Medical Observerships, Satellite Symposia, and Visiting Professorships) under one name.
The Salzburg Medical Seminars is a postgraduate medical education program founded by the American Austrian Foundation and physicians from Weill Medical College of Cornell University to bridge the knowledge gap between East and West, North and South.
The PAS Center now invites all eligible applicants to apply for Salzburg Medical Seminars.
Those wishing to apply must fulfill the following criteria:
- English speaking, mid-career level, practicing physicians with teaching responsibilities from Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the former Soviet Union.
- Board and tuition is provided by the organizer. A limited number of fellowships are available for applicants from other countries
- For first time applicants, the age requirement is between 30 and 45 years of age, and for seminar alumni who are reapplying, up to 50 years
- Certified specialist in the medical topic of the seminar or in final year of training
- Publications: in mother tongue, and particularly in English
- Uploaded proof of required documentation (see application process)
- Country coordinator recommendation (when applicable)
Application Process & Deadlines
To see the list of the seminars planned and available for application 2015, please access the link:
Applications to seminars must be done online. It is only possible to apply to seminars with open deadlines. Please click on "Apply" in the Dates & Topics or go directly to the Online Application Platform.
Selection Process
- Open competition, selection based on merit
- 30 slots per seminar are available
- Equal representation of all countries whenever possible
Candidates will be notified if their application has been successful or not by email in due course.
First-hand information about the application and seminars can be obtained from the person below during office hours 09.00 to 18.00.
Violeta Cernei – OMI Coordinator, PAS Center
Tel: (+373 22) 22 63 43 ext. 127
Categoria: Advertoriale
Preluarea articolelor de pe se realizează în limita maximă de 1.000 de semne. Este obligatoriu să fie citată sursa și autorul informației, iar dacă informația este preluată de către alte platforme informaționale on-line trebuie indicat link-ul direct la sursă. Preluarea integrală a informației poate fi realizată doar în baza unui acord încheiat cu Redacția Sănătate INFO. Toate materialele jurnalistice publicate pe platforma on-line sunt protejate de Legea 139 privind drepturile de autor și drepturile conexe. De asemenea, de Codul Deontologic al Jurnalistului din Republica Moldova. Pe lângă actele juridice care ne protejează drepturile, mai există o lege nescrisă – cea a bunului simț.
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